Formal proceedings to expose the lies told by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson when he denied breaking his own laws to hold parties in government offices during the COVID pandemic crisis and resulting national lockdowns.
"Their purpose from the beginning has been to find me guilty, regardless of the facts. This is the very definition of a kangaroo court." - RT Hon. Boris Johnson
a large breasted mamal. extremely goofy. an idiot. fun. slightly retarded (more than slightyly) a great friend
man-court sport wat the hell are you doing?
cp- being a goofy, idiot, fun, retarded friend what the hell do you think?
man- shut the flip up *turkey slaps court-sport*
Ball court is a place where many people play and many people sit down and play subway surfers.
“Mustafa Fell Over At Ball Court”
Cody's Bourbon and Cola - well known as "court case in a can" in New Zealand. Named as such due to the frequency of violence and police call outs related to consumers of Cody's. Consumed by obnoxious 12 year-olds getting drunk in city skate parks, through to hard blokes and sheilas in rural New Zealand.
Originally 12% alcohol, they have slowly been getting reduced down in alcohol strength (7% as of 2022) due to pressure from police and politicians.
You crack the first court case in a can and suddenly it's tomorrow, you've got no shirt on and you're wearing somebody else's jandals.
A street in Ypsilanti, Michigan is known to be the birthplace of a mostly Arab gang. Was a large chill spot and the move until it eventually died out in 2016 when the cops were called on them every day during the summer by the Iraqi.
Bro did you see how the Iraqi was recording kids on Mazin Court again?
The process of adding more seats to the Supreme Court.
Recently, this is a plan pushed by the left to regain control of the Court, after President Trump shoved three conservative justices in, by adding four of their own. Since the sitting justices have life-long terms, this strategy is their next best shot.
As one might expect, the possibility of replacing one bias with another has made this a bit of a hard sell.
A: We need to expand the Supreme Court, or else they'll demolish LGBT rights, overturn Roe V. Wade, and pare down minority voting rights!
B: Is this really the best way to do that?
A: It is if you aren't willing to get locked up for gunning down Kavanaugh and ACB.