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Something you think you have from watching YouTube videos.

No no no no no, trust me, I watched a YouTube video. Therefore I have intelligence.

by motormatthew June 19, 2020


it is something we all want but we will never get it

Guy 1:I have intelligence
Guy 2: sure

by the number 1 dog lover November 18, 2019


A means of measuring how smart someone is based on their ability to solve problems, gather and analyze information, and think logically. The intelligent population gets smaller every year.

Things people with low intelligence say:
"Who the hell is that guy? He's dead so he's probably irrelevant"
"The Bible is all fiction"
"I hate your music"
"You use AMD? Dumbass. Intel is better."
"I am a pedophile"

Things people with high intelligence say:
"I wonder who that person was. I might do some research later."
"I personally don't believe in the events that took place in the Bible but if you do, I respect that."
"I'm not a big fan of the music you listen to but I respect your opinion."
"You use AMD? Cool. I prefer Intel because it feels more versatile and the motherboards are less picky about RAM. What do you like about AMD?"
"I am not a pedophile"

Guy 1: "That guy over there is a pedophile."
Guy 2: "He must have low intelligence."

by Mausoleumgoer December 8, 2024


A measure of human ability to penetrate into the Time dimension. Our ability to Predict.

Sophie could tell that it will rain tonight at around 8 pm, the girl has good intelligence.

by movazi September 14, 2018


Something you don’t have

You don’t have intelligence

by ColombianJerk February 20, 2019


Pfffftt Bwahahahahahaha! Intelligence!? What intelligence!? AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Hym “Intelligence! I can’t insult something you don’t have! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! AHA HAAAA!!! Hoooo.... That’s great! That was a good one.... Hooo....”

by Hym Iam November 3, 2022