Source Code


I - A society of people who believe in a set list of idealswith no proof of the confermation of such ideals , and set aside vast chuncks of their ever dwindilling life to speak to themselves and fantasise about old men in the sky.

II- What people turn to when they're in serious Β£%%Β£

III - A synonym for warmongering / intolerence

IV - The Source of 99% of the world's problems

Crimes Caused By Religion

Massacre of the Kurds
Massacre of the Jews (Hollocaust)
Massacre of the Muslims (Crusades)
Massacre of the Mormons ("Do the Decent thing")
Massacre of the Sunis
Massacre of the Shiites }Iraq
Violence in India
Violence in Iraq
Violence in Iran
Violence in Saudi Arabia
Violence in Europe
Violence in America

by Sell_Your_Soul-It's_worthless_anyway January 7, 2008

27πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


A make-believe concept developed by insecure assholes to fill the void in their lives and to attempt and control the masses.

See also horse shit and fake

P1: "Go eat some religion"
P2: "Only if the horse just shat it out"

by Jerkin Slo June 11, 2004

30πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Complete farce used to control people and give powerful people a reason to start wars and fuck people over.

Country 1: I really dont like country 2, fuck it, lets invade and say God appeared to me and told me to do it in the name of religion.

by God dosent love me April 2, 2010

21πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A concept which is popular with people with power because it allows them to use the human's natural fear of the unknown against them.

Christianity, as well as other religions, was used hundreds of years ago as a tool to scare millions of people to give money to the Church thinking it would save their souls, and a way to kill hundreds of innocent people because of their alternative beliefs.

Egyption Pharaohs' priests told them that to get a good crossing into the afterlife, they would need a huge pyramid built which would cost thousands of lives to build.

by Goddenβ„’ April 15, 2007

23πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Religion is the crutch of the mases

by Glaiven June 24, 2003

32πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A method that Ancient Monarchs concocted to control a cult population of People. Where some religions are passive, many religions are very violent and disturbing, but its followers ignore those parts. I guess you can call it brain-washing, to an extent, like really, do you think that a virgin could give birth to a baby? and that Mohammad saw the angel Gabriel and it told him to go to the city of Mecca. Honestly, people need to come to their senses. Catholics take orders from a pedifile who believes he's "a servant of god" when really he's just as bad as the rest of us. Religion is bascially a passive system of having control over a population of human beings. I am not anti- religion. or Anti Jesus,or anything. I am just saying, its a little far fetched.

Watch the Movie "Angels and Demons with Tom Hanks

Or, read ANY book about the renissance, play the game Assassin's Creed, or even. Just think for yourself. It'll all make sense to you eventually.

I AM NOT ANTI RELIGION. My family members are baptized christian, and i am an observant agnostic...

by thatkidyoulovetohate41 October 10, 2011

21πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


The formula for all known religions is as follows:

"<Insert true/feasible fact here>, therefore <Insert outrageously untrue fact here>"

Reginald likes to drink his tea with 2 teabags, therefore the Kiwi's of the sahara desert play the maracas every full moon as their religion dictates.

16 Chickens ate 10 Kilograms of chicken feed in 1 week, therefore small leprechauns live the shoes of families with 2 or more pets

The world exists, therefore God created it.

by randomartichokes June 30, 2009

21πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž