the definition of a nike snkrs shock drop time. soon means it will happen eventually, but soon varies from a few hours to a few months
A word Lilly Singh uses to tortured her fans.
The Book tour dates will come..."soon."
A word that can be used to tell you are doing something later
Or a word that means "never" believed by some people and happytwt
Bbh : the egglore stream will happen soon
Happytwt : it's been months...
A word that Richard Ells uses to give the ETN hodlers a timeframe in which a certain event will happen. (IE listing on KuCoin and HitBtc)
Soon can mean anything from 1 day to 1 year in the case of Richard Ells.
ETN hodler: Hey Richard im having a heart-attack, can you call the emergency service?
Richard Ells: Soon, emergency services aren't called overnight!
When someone is never going to do something, so they lie and say “soon” to create false hope.
Badboyhalo says: “The Egg-Lore stream will be soon!” But we all know he means “never”.