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Team Trump

A group of Mafia folks, easily bribed politicians, Fox Newsheads, and the ever reliable go-to gal, Kellyanne Conjob.

Now that he’s fired his third National Security Advisor, King Trump’s newest Mafia mouthpiece, Mike Pompeo, assures us that Team Trump is on a winning streak!

by Dr Bunnygirl September 11, 2019

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

team shot

The act of gangbanging someone, usually in a video game.

We team shotted that camper so hard!

by popo19324 January 16, 2012

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tag team

When two (or more) males engage in sex with the same person. Although the term originates from a form of wrestling that involves hand slapping a team mate to switch positions, the actual hand slapping may not always be present during sex tag teaming. However, the idea of switching positions during times of low physical or mental energy remains one of the primary traits of sex tag teaming--therefore distinguishing it from other subcategories of group sex.

"Wow. You and I totally tag teamed that bitch last night! Wanna do it again this weekend?"

by Bibliophile92 February 16, 2013

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Dream Team

The 4 youtubers consisting of:
Dream (@dreamwastaken)
George (@georgenotfound)
Sapnap (@twsapnap)
BadBoyHalo (@saintsofgames)

The Dream Team did another manhunt today, let's go watch it!

by unresponsibleidiot June 24, 2020

141πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

there's no i in team

yeah, but there ain't no "we", either.

taken from the budweiser commercial featuring Leon.

by Leon November 3, 2004

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Team Jedi

An anti-Miami Heat Big 3 community. Started in retaliation of Miami Heat bandwagoners after LeBron James' The Decision.

Antonym: Team Darkside

Team Jedi has been making the Heat cry since 2011.

Miami has lost 5 games in a row. /Team Jedi.

by Surgical702 March 9, 2011

148πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Team Sausage

-A group/team membership that includes an inordinate amount of straight men who have come to accept their circumstance of not having females amongst their group/team.

-This is common with coed teams such as Swimming and Diving and Track and Field teams.....and Wrestling

Teammate 1- "Dude there are no chicks on our team this sucks"

Teammate 2- "Bro it's ok we are a team no-less"

Teammate 3- "TEAM SAUSAGE!!"

All together -"TEAM SAUSAGE"

by Ishd1v8 March 19, 2010

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