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Urban Dictionary

A crowdsourced online dictionary of slang words and phrases that was founded in 1999 as a parody of Dictionary.com and Vocabulary.com by then-college freshman Aaron Peckham.

I learned what slang means because of Urban Dictionary!

by SqizilixYT July 10, 2016

Urban Dictionary

Where you are now.


by MusicLover40059 June 30, 2011

Urban Dictionary

a website that rejected 4 of my definitions, or in other words: straight up cunt sucking faggot licking whores

Urban Dictionary staff are niggers

by itn117/PotatoMan117 March 17, 2017

Urban Dictionary

A popular website where ten year old kids come and submit definitions under sexual names. They try and make themselves seem funny, but they really just inspire cringe. On urban dictionary, you can find a sexual definition for all words in the English language and more. If you would like to say sane and break your habit of saying "that's what she said", this site is not ideal. A fun thing to do at parties is to look up your name in this site.

You're browsing urban dictionary? Whatever you do, don't look up Charizard.

by ๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข May 19, 2016

Urban Dictionary

A good(ish) idea gone terribly wrong, thanks to entries that were "written by people just like you". So I guess people just like me are thirsty guys who post their girlfriend's name and write "The most beautiful type of girl in the world". Or bitter guys who post their ex-girlfriend's name and write "Slut".

Poor Mr. Johnson. He's become an Urban Dictionary.

by gitgud23 June 30, 2016

Urban Dictionary

An online source of pop culture words and phrases that used to be helpful and fun before it went woke.

Urban Dictionary ranked after it went woke.

by spaceotter July 11, 2020

urban dictionary

a site where people make fun of stuff they don't like by making "definitions" for them.

i don't like ____. i'm gonna go make an insulting definition for ____ on urban dictionary to make me feel cool!

by skyfly1234 December 3, 2010

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