A person who likes to eat alot, but still is cute. In other words, a cutie pie who likes to eat alot, a piggy pie.
This girl likes to eat alot, but damn she is so cute! What a piggy pie!
a sexual act between two or more partners, enjoyed by many.
'how was last night?'
'brrrrilliant! I got some tuppy pie, you know'
When you donkey feels like apple pie or rhubar
Your butt feels like pie is a word
A very round face. See: Marjorie Taylor Greene
When you’re done making a snow angel, you can just flip over and make a pie with that round-ass pie face
Any face a person make after eating a pussy
"Girl, you should have seen my mans pie face last night. He really enjoyed it."
"You should have seen his pie face. That vj must have tasted off