Passing intestinal gas, farting, bustin' loose wid one.
You smell something foul and you ask the person next to you, "Did you crack man? It be stankin' like sumpin deads!"
‘Crack’ can be used interchangeably with the likes of LOL, ROLF or LMAO. It’s a shorthand way of expressing ‘that joke cracked me up’! Instead of using a grammatically correct sentence, simply laugh and point to the friend who made the joke and yell ‘crack’ at them to portray gratitude for the smashing joke.
Crack is a sick ass party that the boys go to most likely an open house. 300+ kids in a house mosh pit and they all do dumb shit like punch holes in walls and kick doors. These kids typically run through fences and do other stupid shit that I hate.
Something someone says when you have to much drugs and out of state
The act of hitting someone’s jaw with a clenched fist
Hamoudi from Granville: Whats wrong cuz?
Moey DW: I’m about to crack this cunt
Hamoudi from Granville: Why do you wanna crack him cuz?
Moey DW: Cuz he keeps giving me dirties like I know the bloke or something
Hamoudi from Granville: Alright cuz let’s crack him together
You crack is for hiding things inside it so the police cant find the crack you have because, its hidden inside your crack.
Dude hide the crack in your crack so the police doesnt find out.
A definition used to describe being hyper, or describing an event as such.