When your cock goes straight and hangs a hard left halfway to the end! Almost as good as Mike Tyson’s left hook.
Hey bud, you have the nick casey special. Let’s keep that a secret from girls otherwise they might get scared…
A special accountant is basically a stripper. Mainly came from the social media app Tiktok.
“A day in the life as a ✨special accountant✨“
A stripper. This term came from the social media app, TikTok.
“A day in the life as a ✨Special Accountant✨.“
A drink that consists of vodka (originally Russki Standard), beer (originally Bock) and cream liquor.
I went to the bar and ordered a Ricky Special.
I blacked out from drinking too much Ricky Specials.
Make me a Ricky Special.
A bowl layered with Entourage Cigar tobacco and keef.
Typically done when one is completely out of weed.
Carth: I’m trying to smoke, breh.
Crab: I don’t have any real bud, but I can scrape some keef from my grinder and make a Ricky Special.
A female patient is in the dentist's office, and your dental hygienist is a very hefty older man and he begins to clean out your mouth with whale sperm, resulting in a half whale half human baby with a severely enlarged left testicle and unsually wide anal gap, in which a baseball bat was suitable for pleasure.
I was looking forward to getting rid of my bad breath germs, but i ended up recieving an oral doctor special.
Special Yellow is the colour used to get the attention of the general public. It is used to indicate prices or savings on products, to draw attention to certain products and services, to alert people to 'fun' things, or to safety features like the buttons on a zebra crossing or temporary road signs.
"The price is on the special yellow sticker"