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Irish Fire Drill

This is analogous to a Chinese Fire Drill, however, it's performed strictly on St. Patrick's day or in Ireland and must incorporate a jig prior to re-entering the vehicle.

While driving to Savannah for St. Paddy's, the driver commanded an Irish Fire Drill while in standstill traffic. The onlookers applauded as the passengers performed a perfect Irish jig.

by John C. Mellencamp March 16, 2023

You on fire girl

a term used to show how well a girl is doing

girl: *does good in a sport
boy: “damn you on fire girl”

by missestherage November 18, 2021

Cold-Fire Argument

A regular argument in which the general topic at hand is unimportant but is still treated as if it actually is in some aspect, usually by the person/people who initially sparked the conversation in the first place. In most cases Cold-Fire Arguments get extremely heated for no other reason for the sake of the discourse rather than the actual topic.

"Why did we even decide to go along with that whole conversation last night? We got nowhere I ended with a shitty feeling afterward."

"It was a Cold-Fire Argument, that's why."

by Slimebacker January 18, 2022

Your shitty makeup is gonna get me fired

If you work as a cashier in a store that sells age restricted items such as alcohol you may get underage girls coming into the store with tonnes of makeup on to make themselves look older. This can result in you not asking them for ID because you think they look old enough to not need it but you end up getting fired anyway because they are actually underage.

For the guys, it is "your shitty beard is gonna get me fired."

Underage girl: *Places bottle of wine on counter*
Cashier: ID please
Underage girl: But I'm 30!
Cashier: Nope, your shitty makeup is gonna get me fired!

by LordJenal December 17, 2023

Mexican Fire Hose

Vomiting and shitting at the same time, likely due to food poisoning from eating poor quality Mexican food.

“Dude that taco cart at the festival was great!

Yeah maybe for you, I was a Mexican fire hose all night trying to get rid of it

by Rollermanfromspace May 21, 2023

Firing back

to shoot back at someone shooting at me and my homies.

I was chilling in the hood, until someone hopped out a black truck firing at me, I then ended up firing back.


Fire alarm dragon

wen two guys get get naked during sprinkles from fire and start flapping around like a fish and jacking off eachothwr so cum become part of sprinkler

man me and jonny really fire alarm dragon ed all over the elderly home

by narutouzumakisstepmom January 3, 2022