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Dancing Fossils

By definition Dancing Fossils is a somewhat common sight you will see in warm weather retirement communities. Retirees can be seen hitting the dance floor of their favorite bar dancing to an old tune from their past . Hence they are dubbed Dancing Fossils by the locals.

eg Hey Larry, I see your Uncle Fred that just had a hip replacement is out on the dance floor with the rest of those old dancing fossils ! Larry replies ; yeah he can’t help himself, he heard Twist and Shout come on the jukebox and had to get out there

by King Yamayama January 31, 2025

hamster dance

When you have sex with someone and get pregnant with multiple children.

Damn, Jill hooked up with Brian and after he found out they did the hamster dance he zooted.

by Fresh_Tresh October 18, 2020

Dances with Dorothy

A female who is of the Lesbian persuasion and has no interest whatsoever in men

You'd be wasting your time trying to chat her up , she dances with Dorothy

by Barry Otter August 22, 2023

dance machine

purple kiss. just purple kiss.

purple kiss are such dance machines, they’re amazing dancers!!!!

by im obsessed w daniel gillies October 2, 2021

Spin Dance

Probably the most intricate dance move in all of dance history. The act of spinning in multiple circles while gracing the air with your outspread arms. To be effective you must have speed and grace. Most commonly used in a crowded setting such as a bar, to awe friends. Can also be used as a deffense mechanism. WARNING: May end up in losing balance, and you may accidentally punch random bystanders. Bar fights may ensue. Has only ever been properly demonstrated by the one they call Chris.

Dang, that guy just got the spin dance

by $mash March 24, 2011

Flamingo Dancing

when you're trying to fuck a girl way too tall for you.

Also: when you are about to shit your pants and have to do the awkward leg thing that's like a Sprint, but clenching your cheeks so damn hard it might rupture a blood vessel.

"Hey... Did you fuck Shaaron yet?"

"No, she was so tall I ended up Flamingo Dancing the whole time."

"Did you see John in the hallways today, he must've had to poop so bad he was flamingo dancing the whole way to the bathroom."

by goatfetus00 January 4, 2020

dancing Michael Robot

Dancing Michael Robot is when you lose your sanity after not having a successful orgasm in a while. The term itself derives from the "dance Michael Robot" lyric from Getter Jaani's song "Dance Michael".

Alizée: What has gotten into Rainer? He's been acting so irrational for the past week!
Zazie: He's dancing Michael Robot. He'll recover some time later. He just needs to get the right feeling.

by MissSaikou October 14, 2021