The working brain of a neurodivergent person (adhd or asd)
I forgot where i put my phone down immediately after I put it down it’s just my “brain sparkles”
This word, Bagel Brain is Battle Fore BFDI Donut (BFDI)’s Nickname be a here
Example (Clip be BFB 8)
Donut:You know the drill! I, Bagel Brain, will be your host!
Lollipop:Hahahahaha. You're actually using my nickname?
Donut: Hey shut up, it’s a habit!
Used be A battle for bfb be knowing battle for dream island season 4 be Episode 8 be called be “Questions Answered“. Of one scene be saying a here be word.
Reused be A fandom be copy and paste, and be bfdi is owned by jacknjellify (be A Cary Huang)
BFB is season 4a be clip is here 1:21 Is be word.
Bagel Brain! 🥯🧠
when someone is not very intelligent. kind of a ditz. absent-minded person.
"gosh! sandy never understands anything! she is SUCH a butter brain."
When some one uses something you say against you in a later conversation
You can't use what I say against me that's brain judo
doj-er - breynd
When a sports fan is overwhelmingly vocal about their team even though no one asked. An internet troll with no creativity or basic means of human communication. They have little education or real ambition and continuously live in the past.
"Can you believe that dodger-brained doofus didn't know it took his team 72 years to win a championship?"
A drug addict who has had their brain fried that much that the only thing left they know how to do is smoke cigarettes.
Mate 1: What's going on up in there mate? You got nothing but fuckin ciggy butts up there now. You got a ciggy butt brain.
Mate 2: No I don't
Mate 1: That's what they are going to call you man, they are going to call you man.