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Calling it spades

Dumbing down a very important/intense situation.
Chilling out something that shouldn’t be chilled out.

Call it spades-

Stop calling it spades, she really loves you.

by lucy camenia September 7, 2023

Whale Call

The absolute best band to ever live, currently consisting of two people. Their music makes you lose control, it's almost a mind fuck..... But not really....

Man : Hey there is this band going on stage next called whale call, have you herd of them?

Obvious Whale call fan : Are you kidding me!? You have never herd of whale call!? Kill yourself!

Man: Sorry!! Are they any good!?

Obvious Whale call fan : *Dramatic state* They are the best band to live......

by Whalecallforlife March 1, 2011

Call of Fortcraft V

A trending game that is so fun and cool!

yo Tom, wanna hop on Call of Fortcraft V

by buckaroo10 April 12, 2023