Source Code

no one cares krillin!

A quote from Dragon Ball Abridged, a fan based parody of Dragon Ball broad casted on you tube. Krillin is one of the main characters in Dragon Ball and in this parody, he is hated by every character where the line 'No one cares Krillin!' is a form of hatred in a comedic perspective. This is said to people who is not required to give your attention or someone who has said something exaggerated to another person who has no interest to the subject.

Sally: OMG! I got a big paper cut and it really hurts!!!
Greg: No one cares Krillin!

by panda-coach ricky November 26, 2009

14👍 1👎

One Hit Rick

The older member of Ye Ye Nation (aka IBP)

Mom: Who's your favorite member of IBP?
Kid: I'll have to go with One Hit Rick.

by jellyyt February 1, 2020

13👍 1👎

One of those nights

When you are still awake while everybody's asleep. You feel like you own the world. And you feel a mix of melancholy, loneliness, peacefulness, and a calm sense of happiness.

I stayed up till dawn, it was one of those nights

by Allegedly dead April 8, 2022

17👍 1👎

One finger salute

international understanding of 'fuck you'

┌∩┐ ►_◄ ┌∩┐ ... ╭∩╮(︶ε︶メ)╭∩╮



...................../..../ /





..........''...\.......... _.•´



Need i say more ?

1.Giving your lecturer a one finger salute is a great way to get expelled from college.

2.Giving your dad a one finger salute is a great way to get your ass thrown out of the house.

3.Giving your girlfriend a one finger salute is a great way to get dumped and have hot coffee poured all over your crotch.

4.Giving the president a one finger salute is a great way to get your ass thrown in jail.

by zingeraddict September 27, 2011

24👍 3👎

one horse town

a small or insignificant town

Lets leave this one horse town in the dust.

by The Return of Light Joker November 21, 2007

81👍 17👎

One-Eyed Dolphin

Sex move. The woman will appear to be a "one-eyed dolphin". Having sex doggy style and the man surprises her by shifting gears and placing his penis into her ass. She will quickly turn and shriek--from your point of view she will appear from the side (one-eyed), the noise she will make will be similar to a dolphin.

"My friend Jimmy was giving it to his girlfriend from behind and without warning he slammed it into her ass. She turned quickly and yelped like Flipper! He said that she looked like a one-eyed dolphin."

by Ricky66 December 29, 2005

74👍 16👎

Back to square one

When you have to do something over again

It is a bad day, you finished your project and the wind blew it away. You're so furious and you've to do it all over again. This is what you called "Back to square one"

by Bryan Chan January 22, 2006

59👍 12👎