When you get a burger that is so fucking greasy that the only way you can describe it is sopping wet.
Mother fucker, this burger is so mother fucking greasy, they fucking gave me the sopping wet burger.
When ur partner puts wet chapsticks all over there asshole. Then you have anal sex. After you have oral sex and that’s how you put on wet chapstick
Baby come put some wet chapstick on me
When you are sexting and it gets pretty hot to the point where she’s wet and tip is sticky
Damn bro we were wet texting until I came
When a female fingers herself, then proceeds to give you a wet Willy.
I was at the strip club and got a lapper. During it she gave me an ol wet Wonda!
When you really think about it the action of being wet is always happening so if somebody say's "I'm wet" tell them YEA WE ARE ALL WET WE'RE MADE OUT OF 70% WATER
They fr just said "I'm wet" that doesn't even make any sense
When your significant other eats an entire bag of Takis, then proceeds to give you a handjob and a blowjob. The sensation of the Taki powder burns your genitalia with pleasure and gives the receiver a euphoric sensation.
Guy #1: Hey, how'd it go with Jennifer last night?
Guy #2: Dude, it was incredible. She gave me a Wet Taki
Guy #1: No way! That's insane!