Much like the force to a Jedi, a Ben uses ketamine to channel his metaphysical and ubiquitous power to accomplish many things. Most of which involve procuring rare rollerblades, formulating supplements, and rendering unicorns soggy in their under carriage
A Ben is also not the kind of guy you bring home to meet your mom... because he’ll fuck your mom.
Person 1: Did you see Ben go into a K-hole at EDC?
Person 2: it only looks like that to the untrained eye
Ben is always your little buddy, a true homie but mostly a schizo
Jadon:hey Ben
Ben:the voices are getting louder
Jadon:okay little buddy!
Infinitely better than Sevilla in every way.
Wow, Sevilla is cool, but she’s not BEN.
Ruler of all monkeys, all monkeys will rule over our king and lord. He is the second coming of christ. Monkeys will be smited if they talk down to the god.
Ben loves monkeys, its just he mildly dislikes bad or evil monkeys
Ben: "Thank you, thank you."
Evil Monkey: "HAAH OOH HAA HAA HOOH!!"
Monkeys: *gasp*
Ben: *slaughters the monkey until it releases digestive fluids
"Yeah dude bens a total monkey god."
"I know right?!"