Total reject that looks like she got ran over and through by a semi truck or two. Nothing can help this sad reject even Satan can't stand her. She looks like a toad and makes babies cry. Ouch.
The kids at the daycare all began to cry as soon as the 'emo queen lol xd' came in the room.
Alex was talking to his mistress Candice and asked her, why did I marry this ugly 'emo queen lol xd'? I love you more Candice. For my dick can fit in your mouth better! Can-dice- dic fit in your mom too?
A male passive homosexual that has no desire to transition to being a female, but loves to dress extravagantly. He has exquisite taste and only busy very expense undergarments. He is noticed immediately upon entering a room.
When I saw Bruce drop his ass in at Tim's silver back party, I knew he was Pushin Queen with that Chanel dress on.
The drag queens aren't fucking the kids though. The teachers are. Are you going to ban "Hot teachers?" No? Then shut the fuck up about the drag queens!
Hym "The funny thing about drag queen story hour is that NONE of the drag queens are fucking the kids... BUT... SOME of the teachers ARE fucking the students. And you're not trying to ban the FUCKING BADDIES with fat knockers are ya, shit-head? Ha! And dudes can't be hot, so, you're teenage daughter just isn't going to want to fuck any of them... Right?"
A female who cannot bring a male past the state of being semi-erect
Yeah, she's kind of a chub queen, I could never really get to where I need to be when it came time to make the mac
Its when you want to fuck your wife before you get sleep... and you know that she wants, but she makes it the hard way anyways... Party Pooper!
Wife- we should have sex... but tomorrow i have to woke early... lets rest and leave that for some other time..
Husband- Snooze Queen! (PARTYPOOPER)
In disc golf, a long tee or approach shot that gently lands near the hole parked for all to admire. With such a gentle landing, it’s like a Dairy Queen soft serve dripping from a towering waffle cone.
A.J.: That hyzer bomb tee shot landed with a twirly bird then gently kissed the bottom of the pin
Ricky: It’s always nice to Dairy Queen the pin once in a while
You can say someone is a “Girl Bo$$ Queen” when they exhibit features of anything that resembles a girl who is a boss and a queen. These features can include being funny, intimidating, strong, and of course, BEAUTIFUL !!!
Isaac is such a Girl Bo$$ Queen when he eats three sandwiches a day.