TL;DR Some random words i strung together whilst in the shower.
One of my friends has a gf that has a fat ass honker, and the made a tiktok where the girl jumps and the guy tackles her, except he tackles like a little baby bitch boi, and then I said "he hit her with that jelly no pogo stick"
Damn, you hit him with that jelly no pogo stick
When someone went to far saying an insult or something bad to a person
girl: “hope you end up in a grave soon; you dumb prick”
boy: “wow you really hit the acorn with a stick”
Term used to describe a man's penis when a woman has given him deep oral sex causing her to vomit on his dick
Oh mate, that woman gave me the ugliest spicy satay stick
Variation of Hot shit that my grandfather picked up during WWII and subsequently used on me when I thought I was being cool.
“Boy you think you’re hot shit on a stick don’t you?”
Grl 1: Phil and I probably hook up tonight. I'm totally going to smoke the veggie stick.
Girl 2: Really, Phil's vegan? I didn't know.
Girl 1: Yeah.. I have the feeling it will taste like granola and pine needles.
The new slang term for a blonde person who jumps up and down way too much at football games, homecoming dances, etc,...
It also means "A stupid blonde person that jumps too much"
Girl 1: "Ben is such a jumping cheese stick, god!"
Girl 2: "eh ma gawd i know right?! I will never date a jumping cheese stick!"
2👍 1👎
Refers to taking residence in lowly accommodation or camping where facilities are poor or non existent.
Angry hotel guest to hotel receptionist … “Do you think I’ve paid all that money to shit over a stick!”