it has all of the definitions of life and words. anything that you search up in the search bar you will find the definition of
urban dictionary is a way of finding a definition to any word.
A dictionary that everyone can add a funny definition to any word
The urban dictionary is so cool!!
A site that has such weird but facinating words
Urban Dictionary is such a wonderful site!
The place to find the most disturbing, stupid, or funniest definition
Searching for a word on Urban Dictionary is a gamble
A stupid website that says “We’ll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities” but allows dumb definitions and rejects normal definitions.
Me: What the fuck, Urban Dictionary allows dumbass definitions like ‘ur mum gay’ but doesn’t allow normal words like ‘potato’ with normal definitions. If THIS definition gets declined, I won’t be suprised. But if it DOES get accepted, here’s some proof that Urban DICKtionary is a stupid-ass retard that accepts shit.
60 % sex definitions, 20 % made up words,
10 % haha funny internet word and 0% real words
"I love to browse Urban Dictionary to look at funny definitions"
Urban Dictionary is a site that can define word the internet knows. Also you can submit your own definition to this site
Urban Dictionary is the website you are in tight now