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A bully that gets pleasure in stealing kid's lunch money and would do anything to try to be cool.

Oh look! There is a bully! Must be a Des!

by KoolKat66 January 26, 2017


thats a nick names sounds like a hair cuting tool

hi des


by shf;adjf January 14, 2020


Des is a funny, caring girl with a wild side to her. She loves to have fun and do stuff she's not supposed to do. She's very pretty and knows how to dress

Wow look at her. She must be a des!

by Des4605 February 22, 2018


one of the best person you'll ever met.

Omg I think you're my des.

by November 21, 2021


1. Dick-Eating Syndrome, medically known as “DES,” is a known condition where one gives another a major knob polishing verbally . “DES” is indicated when you embellish another person, usually a man to man scenario. People struck with “DES” are also referred to as “Peter-Eaters” or “Knob-Slobbers.”

1. “Wow man that’s a sick car.”
Shut your ass up boy you got ‘DES’”

2. “Jon your dick is so massive, please bend me over.”
Jon: “Have you had lunch yet?”
“No, why?”
Jon: “Idk man you are really munching on my pork-sword, I think you have a bad case of ‘DES.’”

by FudgePacker44 July 22, 2023


a gay dumb bitch who is fucking retarded and loves dogs

me:shes such a des

by 343545335 March 20, 2019


a thicc milf

des is poorus

by November 24, 2020