Talking about octopus death as a cause of death is like driving a Ferrari to females if you do it right, though it's like the opposite of driving a Ferrari if you don't.
Other guy- Do females actually go for the Octopus death shit?
Guy- Yes, they think I'm as charming as the Grinch when I talk about Octopus death.
The Supreme Being of Channel Awesome in Terminator form.
That's Super Mecha Death Christ Bitch! - James Rolfe: The Angry Video Game Nerd (Anniversary Brawl 2009)
a extremely foul smelling expulsion of gas from the human anus.
Everybody left the room because Riley made a horrible death snoot!
see suicide pact for normal definition
4: Death Pacters, You Have Found An Emerald, So You Are Safe!✔
Die Commiter: AYY you want two make a death pact to get her?
Worthless Bystander: Yes
When an old person makes homemade salsa from their vegetable garden, gives it to you as a gift.. but dies before you eat it.
Q. Do you have any space?
A. No, fresh out. I still have a jar of grandma's death salsa. But she died like... 2003 so now it looks more like queso.
An irrational fear you get where you refuse to watch/play/read a piece of media over an abstract fear despite hearing you might like it. Named after infamous artist Ken Penders.
he doesn't want to watch Sonic SatAM because he has a fear of Death By Penders
A term defined by the anti-flamingo movement meaning being raped to death by a flock of angry male flamingoes
We hereby sentence you to death by flamingo