1. A woman that likes to be scattered, smothered, and covered in the Waffle House batter.
2. A quickie in the Waffle House bathroom
I took my girlfriend at 2 in the morning out for breakfast, and she ended up being a Waffle House Wench.
Guy: Dude I need to start settling down soon.
Guy 2: Why aren’t you in someone’s frat house?
The most lively spot Upper Manhattan has to offer. The residents themselves don't even know half the people wandering in searching for some company that has been stripped away thanks to the Chinavirus. Hundreds of college kids come and go, but only a select few can break into the inner circle. They accept applications every pandemic, but it's more competitive than NYU Medical School.
Hey Billy, I applied to be a part of the Heights House, but they blindsided me with a difficulty level 1000 Boss Mode question, "name every person who lives full time in the Heights House." How the hell would I know? I've seen at least 69 people in the past 30 minutes searching for free booze.
Oh wow yeah... I don't see how that's EXACTLY THE SAME... As MY thing! How it's not, I'll never know... Yet HERE I SIT! I don't see how my thing isn't worse but OK!
Hym "Yeah, I don't see how you're U.S. house judiciary committee thing isn't just exactly the same as my thing... I don't see how I'm not integral to the plot! I mean, this is literally the retard mediated version of that! Instead of big tech companies and the government it's just the mentally handicapped. This is dogshit. I should be on Oprha or something! But NoOoOoOoOo! How's it not the same except worse? Why am I not on Oprah!? Is it because I called her a fat bitch and told her to stop eating bread!? IT HAS NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE OPRAH!"
Dirty hovel with wheels; nary cleaned and commonly used for copulation.
Baby, I really want to take you home, but right now I'm staying in my buddies car cum house.
A combination of the Latin words Chaus (chaos) & Carbasa (canvas). Used to describe disorganised houses often seen in Indie games (e.g. 'Hello Neighbour' & 'What Remains of Edith Finch').
I slowly approached the Chausbasa House that looked like a Primary School art project.