A letter used in Intel processors, and the most common known letter for them.
Meaning is "unlocked", aka overclockable by traditional means.
Boy 1: K
Boy 2: "K" as in what?
Boy 1: i9-10700K, just got it today
Boy 2: Epic gamer!
Oh, no. You got in this situation, well you're done. If a girl responds to a text with "k.", you're not on good terms with them. It's generally a message sent to express to you that they are mad.
Carl: Hey, beautiful.
Jessica: Hey, thanks! :)
Carl: I'm sorry typo! lol i meant hey you piece of scumbag, hehe.
Jessica: k.
K means that he or she is pissed, someone usually says k when they don’t give a fuck or they are hurt and want to get across how much they don’t care
John: I think that was nice ellie said to you
Cherry(who thinks it was super mean and it hurt her): k.
‘k’ also known as ‘Angerfulfilledattitudeandmoodchangermajorchangeinatmosphereandpissesmerightthefuckoffsis‘, the longest word containing a record breaking 88 letters and means, “to get annoyed by 1 syllable of disinterest.”
Pronounced ~ anger-ful-filled-at-tit-ude-and-moo-d-chan-ge-r-major-chan-ge-in-at-mo-sphere-and-piss-es-me-right-th-e-fu-ck-off-sis
Me: You won’t believe what happened today!
Friend: k
Me: k
When someone is extremely mad, they reply "with K." To prove there angry
I'm mad at him I replied with K.
If you write your friend a whole ass paragraph and they respond with “k” they’re fake.
Friend: you’re the best person ever. No one could ever replace you. I could’ve asked for a better friend than you ❤️
Basically if you end a noun with K immediately after while talking to someone you’re basically calling said noun “lame” or “dayroom” the usage is really difficult considering that “K” originates from New York
“Bro this weed Keegan served me is Reggie...” “ Keegan K why u copping from him in the first place”