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Lenox Memorial Middle and High School

A school full of stuck up rich kids. Most of them are fake and you rarley find true friends. Rumors spread like wild fire, and there are a lot of two faced bitches and hoes.;

β€œUgh, they must be from Lenox Memorial Middle and High School” *rolls eyes.

by Squad2k18 January 20, 2018

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

alabama avenue middle school

a pit of hell where administrators do not allow students to be original and unique. && the janitors do a shitass job at cleaning the bathrooms and there is graffiti in every stall

Yesterday at Alabama Avenue Middle School (AAMS)
Mr.Sims paddled that dude then sent him home for having green hair! WTF

by kesha February 6, 2008

8πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

James Wilson young middle school

A school where all the kids are little fucking fagots and snitch on you for the tiniest thing. If one kid vapes, FUCKING SUSPENDED. Nobody likes the sixth graders cause they’re all little snitches and try to act older then they are. A lot of the 6th graders fw ronkonkoma middle school kids suprisingly but this school is filled with rich white kids that think they’re the shit.

Bro I went to James Wilson young middle school and holy shit it was the worst I got snitched on for just saying one word

by Shhhhhidk March 29, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Robert E. Clark Middle School

A school that has drug dealers, thots, vsco boy/girls, and hoes.

"Hey...Got any weed?"
"I lost my V-card in 6th grade!"
"I'll give you anything for some weed."
"There's no telling what the hell is happing in Robert E. Clark Middle school."

by EmoWolf_1101 November 28, 2019

Patterson Mill Middle/High School

Commonly known as PMill or PMS, this high school is, with out a doubt, the most fucked up high school in the state of Maryland. This joke of a school is run by happy and cheery principal Wayne D. Thibeault who is questionably on crack. He thinks that the students are his children and the school is his home and no one would be surprised if he actually sleeps there at night. And I'm sure every student who attends there knows that creepy smile of his that make you think he's going to rape you when you're not looking. The rest of the Patterson staff is filled with child molesters, homosexuals, and a man who looks like Hitler. Patterson Mill is filled with alcoholics, pot heads, and white trash. But mostly white trash. The girls are all dirty sluts that love to send nudes, get wasted at parties, and suck the football team's dicks. The guys love to walk the halls, acting like they're black, screaming BURR like its no one's business. The football team thinks they're the shit with their cheap tattoos and their Gucci music blaring out of their mini vans. These students are great role models for the middle school youngsters right up stairs who will, in a few years, become druggies and whores just like the high school kids. This school is also pathetic in every sport, so don't be intimidated when you see that your school is playing the Huskies next week. So if you love drugs, partying, and sex, Patterson Mill is the place for you.

Patterson Mill Middle/High School alcoholics Gucci PMS crack

by Nad Nerb February 14, 2010

215πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž

Park jr high middle school

Where all the girls like the TikTok boys who bite there lip and wink. The sevies spend the whole art class talking about them.

Omg did you see Adam Kural’s TikTok he’s sooooo hotttt park jr high middle school needs Adam and all his friends to make a TikTok together

by Oneoftheobbsessedsevies October 1, 2019

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Van Hoosen Middle School guys

Most of the boys at VH are fairly attractive. They show it off by leading on girls and thinking they're the shit. All of the boys are not into girls, so they're presumed gay. They could care less about a gilr's moral values and personality, but reside to the size of her ass. VH guys are concieted.

Van Hoosen Middle School guys "She is soo hot! Except she is flat chested."

by Sir La Table June 23, 2012

35πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž