Getting out of your car at a redlight and run around your car clockwise as many times as you can with an extremely large American flag.
I played American redlight today.
a sexual experience between three consenting adults (threesome) in which any sexual act is allowed as long as two of them agree to the act; a “true democracy” threesome in which a third adult must comply with any sexual act that the other two agree on.
My bro and I had an American Communist threesome with a woman last Saturday night and it was insane!
Noun - obfuscated slang for pole dancing or a strip club.
Hey man, let's go to the University of American Dance tonight. I just got a bunch of cash out of the ATM.
A soccer term describing one of three events:
1. A team scores a goal it doesn't deserve.
2. A team scores a goal in the literal last minute of the game.
3. A team scores a goal and has it disqualified for absolutely no reason.
Can also be used to describe achievements outside of soccer. Based on the USA team's 2010 World Cup performance.
Ghana could not score the American goal with a penalty kick during overtime, and lost the match to Uruguay in the penalty shoot out.
Bill: That new supervisor is an idiot. How'd he get this job?
Ted: He's the boss's son.
Bill: Way to score an American goal.