It's used for confirmation on someone about something or a situation.
#Jack: Are you going to travel with us?
-John: Da-kda kda.
Da Quiuckey Djueuw is a word/phrase used for meaning everything and anything. The meaning of Da Quiuckey Djueuw changes between the tone of how you say it. Saying it fast and high pitched can be seen as something rude or offensive.
"Da Quiuckey Djueuw" *Shouted and high pitched*
An insane asylum for smart people
Yup she definitely goes to Da Vinci Academy.
Oh yeah heard it’s amazing !
So true!
Friend, from an AMA with Cookie Monster.
"Cookie Monster is crie da with Chris Traeger."
(Daw-tee) a very used slang word by the babies, we currently do not know what it means but we will figure it out.
ex. da- da- dawty. Baby talking in a cute voice: da- da- (talks in a very low pitched british voice) "Dawty"
Later that night the dad "accidentally" tucked the pizza in bed and instead put the baby in the oven
The unisex version of the saying, "who da man".
We're so great! Who da peeps!
The infamous leftist television-producer who only hires people whose appearance gives him a reaction "down there".
Showing up in a skimpy outfit for a job-interview might indeed give you a somewhat better chance of being hired by Vin Da Boner, but race tends to be more of a deciding factor for him than just attractive physical appearance.