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Alan Smith

A beautiful sexy person. Many underestimate him and the effect he can have on peoples lives. Makes people laugh and smile alot and brightens up peoples lives. Not much you can saw about him as he is just so awesome. A real hit with the ladies

I wanna find the perfect boyfriend..
Oh, you better find yourself an ALAN SMITH.

by 123qwe.AS December 9, 2010

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Melanie & Alan

Its when you are having an affair with your best mates dad....

Oh my god! Your doing a Melanie & Alan!
Im soo having a Melanie & Alan!
Doing a Melanie & Alan is gross!
I would never do a Melanie & Alan

by AnnaObi February 7, 2011

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Alan Becker

Alan Becker is a youtuber who makes many animations like Animation Vs Animator he loves to make animations and has over 6,054,794 subscribers on youtube he went to eductional computer school to learn how to animate

Me:Alan Becker is the best animator!
Other:Best youtuber and animator

by Green Fredbear September 1, 2018

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Alan Ngo

A gay fat asian who is really smart and shit at fortnite.

Alan Ngo is gay

by YOURDADSFAV December 2, 2019

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Alan The Fly

A fly that I found found on a bus and got killed by flying into an air vent on the bus

R.I.P in Pasta


Alan The Fly

by 22 jumpstreet October 26, 2018

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Alan Aztec

Alan Aztec or the ,,EGG,, is a hardbass creator

A: Alan Aztec? more like ALAN AZTEGG
B: Da

by Krytoxic April 7, 2021

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Alan Walker

A cool DJ who makes great music and collabs with amazing artists

"Have you heard about that hot popular DJ with the cool mask?
"Oh, your talking about Alan Walker"
(Plot twist: "Umm actually I was talking about Marshmello")

by venelia. January 30, 2021

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