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Cunt Attack

When your partner is a cunt and goes off over an insignificant matter.

Did you see Kurt's wife? She had a cunt attack at woollies in front of everyone!

by SirKnows2little January 7, 2022

smile attack

When you’re suddenly hit with something that makes you smile (ex:Puppy pics, a compliment, etc)

Bill: Wow Kevin your outfit is amazing

Kevin: Damn thanks Bill but what’s with the sudden Smile Attack

by Judy made this word March 26, 2023

counter attack

To take part of what someone says and use it in what you say back to that someone.

SIR: I don't want this in my mouth.
Idiot: Well I don't want your voice in my ear!
SIR: Dang, you just did a counter attack.

by spel itt rite March 2, 2006

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Anal Attacker

A term used to describe a person giving anal sex. Usually used as a term towards gay men, but can also be used as a term used towards someone that loves anal sex.

"Paul over there is an Anal Attacker because he loves giving it to men in the bum. "

by Sweet330 August 14, 2009

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ADD attack

When someone is talking and all of a sudden they start talking about something else, numerous times. It's really annoying. This person doesn't necessarily have to be diagnosed with ADD, it was just a one-time thing.

Theo: We need to invent a word.
Emily: k.
Theo: Let's go outside. Oh man can we play the Sims? -picks up a nail file- I have one of these!
Emily: T_T
Theo: I just had like, an ADD attack.
Emily: Let's define that.

by coochiecoochiecoochie346 July 29, 2009

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Wank Attack

The sudden panic experienced when masterbating and suddenly you hear footsteps nearby or a door opening, or some other indication that you aren't alone. Usually preceded by immediate zipping, minimising, muting and concealing of tissues.

Dude, I had a total wank attack yesterday, I coulda sworn I heard someone coming up the stairs but it was just tiddles, stupid cat.

by Crazy Tosh May 13, 2010

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personal attack

a logical fallacy that demeans your opponent instead of refuting their argument.

"You shouldn't vote for Bill for student-body president because he got some random chick pregnant. What would he know what's good for the school?"

The person made a personal attack on Bill in order to give him a bad image so that he/she has a better chance at winning.

by Anime Nerd December 6, 2008

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