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what i wish i was

person #1: “hey, i’m calm”
me: (sobbing internally) “that’s great!!”

by i am very sad June 20, 2022


When something is not good, but funny.

Evan just shat his brains out”

“Lmao that’s calm”

by calmalana January 19, 2021


A stupid fucking way of confirming that they will show up to an event.

Person A: hey so we're all going to the bowling alley on Saturday?

Person B: yep I'll be there

Person C: calm

Person A: Person C your uninvited

by daddypaddy October 21, 2021


Not fire elmo

Calm down there

by Chibaku February 5, 2019

calm baked

Wjen you calm and baked
at the same time

"Bro im so calm and baked at the same time!"

"Thats what happens when you get high. Its called calm baked"
"Thats rightous man!"

by Baileys.high.rn October 24, 2015

You need to calm down

Said when someone is over reacting to the smallest things especially on the internet.

Also a reference to the song "You need to calm down" by Taylor Swift.

🌈 🦄 🪩 ✨

Person 1:*Over reacting*
Person 2:"You need to calm down, you're being too loud."
Person 3:"And im just like oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh."

by FloptropicanSwiftie1369 April 29, 2024

calm it down

What you say to somebody who is taking themselves too seriously.

Tall guy: what kind of situation did you create here? I'm going to beat you to a pulp.
Fat round kid: calm it down! I didn't do shit.

by Capital P February 1, 2018