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Verb - To overcome being cucked on stream by a twitch thot that you mod for, the dizzler will be redeemed.

Bro did you see how supcaitlin cucked her mod dilly?

Yeah, but he's the dizzler and the dizzled his way out of that like a boss.

by Matecio January 9, 2024


when you burp after drinking soda and it comes out your nose

Friend: Dude, why are you making that face?
Me: That soda made me dizzle!

by hellurhellurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr October 13, 2017


An adjective for anything positive.

Dizzle dizzle.
Ah, dizzle?

by wallhausen April 15, 2015


Verb - to successfully dodge an accusation of sexual assault

First, Will diddled his employee and then he 'dizzled' her, making Will a real businessman and bringing America on step closer to "great" again.

by JohnKyle1990 August 2, 2018


To frequently make simple and avoidable mistakes

Sam just dizzled, he ran yet another red light.

by Switchy K May 22, 2018



Person one: Do you have any dizzle? Person two:"Naw!man you no i dont do that shizz'" person two" get it on the block yo'".

by Jessica 38 October 16, 2023

Thug dizzle

To go be a hoe without your partner knowing

I’m finna go to my thug dizzle meaning I’m gonna go talk to this dude

by Fuck boys Ian pressed for em December 19, 2020