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Something that caused me to use the computer less often ever since my mother discovered it.

Mom: Hey can I check my email on Facebook?

Me: Again??????

Mom: It will only be a minute. I'll hand it right back.

Me: -Sigh- Fine, but I need it back because I need to do some homework on the computer.

-1 Hour Later-

Me: When you getting off?? I need to do my homework!

Mom: I'll be off in a minute.

Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Dancing with Fire September 11, 2011

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internet's version of Jerry Springer for some people.

Facebook has become a venue to seriously screw people over with an audience of 500+ contacts without actually facing individuals. For example, contacting ex lovers on thier current spouse's facebook page, or blasting friends and family in status statements.

by Raven6768 February 5, 2010

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The perfect way to find to stalk people on the internet!!! You can read their wall look at their pics at their friends with out being their friends. And know who their family is and where they are at.

Her; Have you been on FaceBook lately??
Him; No, I dont want ppl knowing what im doing! lol

by klaudia3092 January 9, 2011

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Social website that may nil your chances of getting hired or fired.

Guy got fired over that status update on Facebook

by Fleursdelilylove April 12, 2010

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A stupid website that used to be great before the teenagers and twilight moms took over it. Basically, on Facebook, you talk to people you don't know, 'friend' famous people, and share photos. Honestly, the only things Facebook is useful for are:

1. Posting pictures
2. Planning events

But no, people don't do that with Facebook. Instead, they waste all their time not making a difference in the world and instead playing some stupid game, cramming apps into their page, and gawping at some stupid status like "i juzt finished eating some pi lol" or "hy n00bz, lets al get some pizzazz!!!1!!111!!!one!!" when there's so much they can do instead, like hang out with REAL friends or go to a bar. People call it a "Social Network" but social time is actually and physically BEING with someone, not chatting with them in doofus language. Put blankly, Facebook is stupid and a stalker's dream.

I'd rather be with my girlfriend in real life than 'talk' to her over Facebook.

by TheReshiram December 31, 2011

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To be on facebook while doing something else.

Person A. - "What are you doing right now?"
Person B - "Im doing my homework while facebooking."
Person A- "Thats lame..."

by imnotbill September 28, 2010

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The easiest, cheapest, dirtiest way of creating drama and advertising it to the world.

Guy #1: Dude I hate that girl in that class... Im going to post a status on Facebook referenceing to her but not using her name, and make it obvious its her. Then ill notate every small things wrong about her and make her feel like shit by displaying it to the world.

Guy #2: O.O...
Guy #2: Your a twisted SoB... >_>

by Dr crayzee July 9, 2010

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