When you shit your self and pick and you slap your friend in the face with it
Bro last night I did a dirty Kenny and she got so pissed
The act of blowing cool air on one's asshole.
Ken gave her a cool kenny.
He is the coolest person in the world. He is built different, and amazing. He is a handsome guy and all the girls love him.
Guy 1: Hey wanna go out tomorrow?
Guy 2: Ya! Make sure to invite Kenny Tohme, he is the coolest person ever!
Guy 3: Ya I know he is just built differently.
The hottest bitch in the world. If you're named Kenny or Goat, I can guarentee that people named Dani will fall in love with you- like the level of "I've had a crush on you since third grade" kinda love. No joke, these bitches are so fucking cute.
Kenny/Goat: Hi my name is Kenny or Goat
Everyone ever: *simping over how amazing they are*
A gay Mexican "guy" who will do anything to get a dick in his mouth. He is very smart when it comes to school. He will mark his territory with his own saliva. He can put a smile on your face but if you piss him off you won't have a face to smile with.You don't fuck with kenny pasato.....period!
-kenny pasato sucked your dick for free?
-hell yeah brother! He was doing it for Dale!
A person who "simps" for a literal ten year old cartoon character.
(Person one):"KENNY IS SO HAWT"
(Person 2): "What a Kenny simp."
(Southpark btw) when you crap and puke at the same time or back to back to eachother
Ew she is literally kennys dad rn that's disgusting