A girl who like bizzare kinky stuff during intimacy.
Dude that girl is a lime Diet Coke!
When a female is lactating and someone urinates all over her and rubs them both together.
Do you want to give me a lime milkshake?
Black male overtly hitting on Latin females
“Damn brah put the lime in the coconut”
The act of spreading open a mans penis hole and squeezing a lime in it and then using blue hair gel as loob on an elderly woman
Oh man I’m hurting from that blue lime he gave me last night. It was definitely the first.
When someone uses an excessive amount of lime on food.
Lupita made salmon for dinner, it was very limely.
When you add an excessive amount of lime to food.
Lupita made salmon for dinner, it tasted very limely.
When a John hits you with lemon butter you hit him with a lime whip
John wants lemon better but you can’t fulfill his demands so you offer lime whip to throw him off from his needs