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She’s a very quiet girl but once you get to know her she is very goofy and funny💯People may judge her by her looks but don’t know her that much.Many people may envy her but she don’t gaf she continues to be her.She loves to smile and is an amazing Bestfriend.She laughs at snowy everything and has an amazing laugh.Sometimes she talks wayyy to much.Obviously if you get to her bad side you will see a really bad b**** and that’s just period‼️💯💋

Person1-She’s a very quiet person
Person-No if you really get to know her she’s funny and goofy

Person 3-She’s Lupita Duhh

by obviii.factss April 27, 2019

315👍 31👎


Lupita is a beautiful name that doesn't have an exact origin. A lot of people thinks that is Mexican, however the name could also came from Europe. Lupita means "Little valley of wolves" and in Mexico the name has another meaning "The one chosen by the holy spirit". Regularly girls under this name are very friendly, kind and they have facility to communicate with other people, they tend to be very emotional sometimes but is the type of person who you really can talk about a problem because of their discretion and advises they can give you.

Lupita is a name not a fucking verb or adjective -.-

by Aquelaverga January 13, 2018

22👍 1👎


Lupita is a beautiful young girl that can be quiet and shy but can be loud and funny the more you get to know her. Even when negativity goes on in her life, she does her best to stay Happy and not sure how her sad side. Lupita maybe had a rough love live before so make sure to treat her right. She is very loving and has 3-5 dogs or cats. If you fall in love with a lupita then you know that you made the right decision. She is also so dang hot and very cute. So that being said. If you find a lupita. Treat her well and don’t let any other guys take her.

Lupita is very hot

by Willy555 May 29, 2019

75👍 12👎


The most amazing girl EVER. With an amazing personality and unbelievable way with words, she is the most beautiful girl alive. With beautiful eyes and a great ass, this girl is unstoppable and will do great things with her life. Have caution when around her because boners will pop.

Dude! Did you see me talking to Lupita? She's amazing.

by Babygirl :D April 11, 2011

1168👍 500👎


Loves to dance, drinks coronas, loves make up, party's hard, loves to talk shit bout guys, she likes the cold black, laughs super funny, she's awesome, she my best friend, big boobies

Lupita is super fun.

by Lup£° December 20, 2016

63👍 103👎


Lupita is beautiful girl with a big booty. She is shy and quiet at first but once you get to know her she is funny and goofy. She loves dogs or cats. She can be a real b!tch at some points. A typical Lupita likes being a hoe especially with married men. She likes to send nudes on snapchat without her husband knowing. Also loves the attention when men gaze at her when she is wearing something sexy.

Woman, be careful with a Lupita. She is a slut and will sleep with your husband

by Mr.Keen November 4, 2019

25👍 40👎


niceprettybisad weird

Lupita is NICE .She is PRETTY .SAD for some reason.likes girls and boys so she is BI.she is WEIRD

by Imtheworstpotato October 27, 2019

5👍 7👎