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mixing potions

The act of dry humping someone will you are intoxicated and half conscious.

I was drinking with a girl last night, and after five shots we went to bed and started mixing potions.

by Bruse Johngood March 26, 2014

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Mixed Luggage

When 2 people who each have their own emotional baggage get together.

Robyn is a divorced mom of 5 and Jeff has 3 pfa's against him, i cannot believe they are hooking up....man thats some mixed luggage!

by Usl-spct September 19, 2011

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Speedy Mix

To do something quickly, or with haste. Similar to how a Speedy Mix of a song is quicker than the original.

"Dude, I've been waiting for you to get home for hours. Speedy Mix your shower and get the hell over here."

by KDavis December 30, 2008

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mixed race

A person of mixed racial ancestry.

People usually think that mixed race people look better than people with a higher percentage of a blood ancestry or people who are full-blooded. THIS IS NOT TRUE! I can name so many ugly mixed race people that could scare the hairs off a fat woman's coochie! No matter what race you are, there is ugly and pretty in ALL RACES. Skin color doesn't make you prettier, you ignorant dumb asses. Is it the shape of your face and facial features that makes up how pretty you look. And European features, lighter skin and straighter hair is not the worldwide beauty standard. Beauty is skin deep.

Boy: Maris is so pretty.
Girl: She looks okay...she's just very mean.
Boy: But she's pretty! She got light green eyes, long brown hair and ivory skin. She's mixed with Black, Irish, Native American, Brazilian and Puerto-Rican! That equals the woman of my dreams.
Girl: But Maris is EVIL! She shot her mother and stabbed her just because she didn't let her got to the prom! Then she burnt the house down and her mother and infant sister died in the fire!
Boy: Who cares? Marisa is hot. Mixed race people are the best looking people.
Girl: You ignorant fuck. Got to hell.

by twistedbabydoll August 13, 2007

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wintry mix

When you ejaculate on a girl's face with a combination of piss and semen.

So i was about to cum on Carly's face and little did she know the weather prediction was a wintry mix.

by supmannothinchillin February 7, 2009

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mixed nuts

The people inside of an insane asylum. This is so because you have schizos, retards, crazies, loonies, multividuals, lunatics, and just plain fuckered up sorry-ass mofos.

After intensive phyciatric evaluation, it was determined that Mark needed to be thrown into the can of mixed nuts.

by Rob B. from Canada November 22, 2006

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mixed mittens

Mixed mittens is a way of stating that you're smitten, without having to admit that you're that taken with a person. It comes from mixing the letters in the word 'smitten'.

Ever since they danced together last night, Charlie has been entirely mixed mittens over Mara.

by Rivieres April 24, 2007

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