Source Code

Is there parking in the rear?

A pickup line referring to a desire to perform anal sex on another

Nathan: (Walking up to a lady) Is there Parking in the Rear?
Hot Lady: Why, yes there is!

by Merriweather Liver January 2, 2010

21πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

South Park

South Park is an American comedy sitcom that points out and makes fun of the ignorance and stupidity in society.

The child characters are way too fucking adorable for anyone's eyes and the dialogue is hilarious.
If you like Family Guy, why?!?! Get your ass to Comedy Central and see what doesn't use random jokes and is actually realistic.

That is why it is funny, bitches. Respect its goddamn authority.

The scientology South Park episode may seem stupid, but it shows how ridiculous the 'religion' actually is.

by kmftw January 8, 2012

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Courtney Parking

A term coined in Oregon by state troopers and keizer police, Courtney parking is parallel parking where you are at least a foot from the curb.

Guy1: why is that car parked in the middle of the road?
Guy2: its not, they are just Courtney parking.

by adoce June 10, 2013

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Linkin Park

Ok since everyone is just posting OPINIONS. Let’s actually get a real definition...free from most OPINIONS

Linkin Park is a Sol-Cal band that is often thought of as nu-metal, alt. rock, or something else where-as the band themselves thinks to have their own style of music and has two successful albums, "Hybrid Theory" and Meteora, and two remix albums that not only went high in the charts when they were released(believe it or not), most people seem not to like "Reanimation" nor "Jay-Z Linkin Park: Collision Course" except people who enjoy hip hop more(they seem to like them a little more than Linkin Park's albums).

The band consists of six members:
Chester Bennington (vocals)
Rob Bourdon (drums)
Brad Delson (guitar)
Dave "Phoenix" Farrell (bass guitar)
Joseph Hahn "Mr. Hahn" (turntablist, samples)
Mike Shinoda (backing vocals, sampling, rap emcee, keyboardist, occasional rhythm guitarist)

Before there was Linkin Park there was the band called Hybrid Theory. This was Linkin Park before they were signed onto Warner Bros.
And Before Hybrid Theory there was Xero which was more focused on hip-hop music.

Most people look to their lyrics as "shitty" and "have no thought in them at all, only made to get emo teens to listen to them" When this is not true at all.
Their lyrics are taken from 'sappy therapy time' as Mike says, and broken down until they reach a happy medium. On average their lyrics are rewritten at least twice for every song.
Where the Lyrics branch from is stuff they have gone through (not from relationship problems most of the time) and as Mike once said "You don't want to know where the lyrics come from...You wouldn’t know how the hell we got it to become that song."

This band has become loved by many and hated by many as well. They are seen as 'untalented' when this is truly wrong. Linkin Park has a sound that, as of now, has not been duplicated (and many have tried). This band is greatly respected in the music business and seems to be one of the most successful bands to mix hip hop and rock.

"Hey dude did you read that definition of Linkin Park on UrbanDictionary.com?"
"Yeah man...it seems like the guy was posting a biography! At least all that were there was facts and no opinions."

by Arshen December 30, 2005

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Parking Nazi

Typical Bitch-ass Wigger, who's sole purpose in life is to punish the people who actually finished Graduate College with a Master's of Science, or Ph.D

Typical Profile: Short, greasy hair, mustache, metro-sexual or full-time gay. Acts tough on duty, but a 6pm, packs up his balls, and quickly returns to his Mom's house where he finds his very own "Safety Haven" in the basement.

Damn it ! ! ! That faggot-ass Parking Nazi, jacked-off on my windshield again. That the 3rd time this month ! ! !

by White Compton November 7, 2012

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pickle park

A truckers term for a roadside rest area where homosexual activity and prostitution occur.

10-4 good buddy, you just pull off into the next pickle park and I'll show you good buddy.

by Jolly Roger March 15, 2004

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South Park

Perhaps the greatest satire of American culture ever.

Mrs. Garrison: "I don't even know how lesbians make love... unless you like, scissors or something."
South Park, April 2007

by Danno Chuchiak April 12, 2007

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