Jordan Peterson's ASSERTION is demonstrably false. Their level of competence likely varies. Their level of confidence is independent of their pursuit. Amd doesn't the Dunning Kruger effect demonstrate an inverse correlation between confidence and competence? If their not competence isn't it likely that their confidence would be high? And the issue exploding into nebulous plume of semantics regarding what constitutes 'competence and confidence' for example if you look at Leonardo Decaprio he's one of the most competent actors of all time. Clearly pursuing short term mating. 4 to 5 years max. Jordan peterson believes it takes at least to years to even get to know a person and he also purports to believe that the only true consent is marriage.
Hym "So, men pursuing short term relationships AT THE VERY LEAST are unlikely to have the attributes ascribed by Jordan Peterson. If you look at professions with a high volume of groupies you see both a high level of competence and excessive short term copulation (i.e. Athletes, Musicians, Actors, ect). It just isn't the case. It's literally just a true scottsman project on to people who are fucking all of the women while ingoring entirely the women's agency in short term mating."
A clause used by Twitter users (especially Stan Twitter) when they want a rephrase of a tweet or headline into pop culture terms. One of the most common uses of the format "explain in ____ terms."
Tweet: Hundreds of dinosaur footprints have been discovered in a U.K. quarry.
Person 1: explain in pop terms
Person 2: nicki is on the move
When an Internet site changes their Terms of Service without giving prior notice and deletes millions of people's blogs, which amounts to a virtual stealing of a person's intellectual property.
MySpace new Terms of Disservice (TOD) has outraged and alienated millions of people whose blogs have been deleted, which amounts of a virtual stealing of a person's intellectual property.
Key Terms : adj (th-italic) & pronounciate 2 simple word as
key - keys
term - terms
this participle tilde ‡ indirect subject ‡ definition
46R : tilde adj participle : webster 's xlsx docx csv
Time magazine updates "KEY TERMS" in november A yr ender Announcement
To be honest who reads this you just scroll past, even the game designers make it possible to skip it as fast as possible.
did you just actually read the privacy policy and terms of service.
The opposite of Layman’s terms. To make something much more complicated than it has to be. A convoluted nonsensical explanation.
Jerry: Ellie and I are breaking up.
Mike: wait what happened?
Jerry: Well to put it into Laywoman’s Terms, she told me that she “had a dream that I cheated on her with her friend Nichole who is a Scorpio born on a full moon, and her amethyst crystal said our relationship was incompatible”.
Mike: that makes no god damn sense.
Jeremy: exactly
dog water-really trash at the game
cracked-really good at the game
on me !-when someone with a pump runs up to u
dog water
_____-dude my brother died 20s into the game
______-bruh he is so dog water
_______-mate ur really cracked
_______-thanks i’ve been playing for a while
these are the fortnight terms