In his very essence, Flynn is a living, breathing testament to the ideals of the Communist Manifesto. With every breath he takes, he speaks of seizing the means of production, redistributing wealth, and toppling the hegemonic rule of the game developers. His passion for the cause is unmatched, and he never hesitates to advocate for the proletariat, even if it means wandering aimlessly through the game world.
Alas, Flynn's mind is oftentimes as lost as his physical presence, as he struggles to keep track of his own possessions. It seems his commitment to the greater good is so strong that he forgets the practical details of his own life. Nevertheless, his boundless energy and irrepressible spirit have endeared him to all who encounter him. Even in his moments of forgetfulness, he remains a lovable and charming figure, striving for justice and equality in a world that often seems rigged against him.
So let us raise a toast to Flynn Rider, the NPC whose unwavering commitment to Marxist principles and loveable quirks have made him a favorite among players far and wide.
Don't be like Flynn Rider
Some one who rides exspensive scooters, bikes, or skate boreds and can't do jack shit on it.
Sean:nice scooter how much did you pay.
Jagraj: £550
Sean:cool, cool can you land a tale whip.
Jagraj:na just scoot around
Sean: fuck'in dicked 'fashion rider' kmt!
Special Rider is a blues term for special sexual partner. Unlike the common blues term ‘rider’, the phrase ‘special rider’ is more special: it seems to occur in only four pre-war songs and by implication in a fifth. One of these is Skip James’. Bob Dylan named his music publishing company Special Rider.
The girl I'm seeing is my special rider
An annoying prink who latches onto your exact walk speed and trajectory and then continues to follow you 'up your arse' all the journey. Can only be stopped with a sudden halt, which may result in a rear-ending, depending on how closely they are following you. Also applicable when driving.
E'yar mate this dickhead behind us is being a right arse-rider! He has followed us all the way home. I am about to slam on the brakes, hopefully he fucks off.
Texas slang for telling someone what to do. In other news, Texas really needs to learn English.
When Jimbo left without feeding the horses, Big Paw got ready to scatter the riders.
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A woman who's all on a Mans jock, kissing his ass, wanting to ride his tip.
"Damn Son!! This trick keeps blowin up my cell and I want no piece of that. I'm sick of these Tip Riders"
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Usually a young boy and often posing as an adult, a KOBE RIDER is a 'person' that will defend KOBE to no end, infatuated and engrossed in a pathetic world surrounding KOBE "the QUITTER" BRYANT. They will defend him against any attack by another fan, stomp on anyone that notes his flaws, and will belittle other NBA players while making ridiculous claims without stating any facts to support these claims. In addition, what really separates a KOBE RIDER from the common fan is the skewed logic and complete lack of common sense. Essentially, a KOBE RIDER is a person of the highest point of ignorance and stupidity.... one who is willing to do absolutely anything and everything to glorify the player he believes in, while blindly ignoring the facts and opinions of others.
COMMON FAN: Son, Shaq was the leader during the Lakers' 3peat. He was the main man, nothing to be ashamed of.
KOBE RIDER: Where was fat, useless Shaq during game 4 of the 2000 NBA FInals? Oh that's right, he fouled out in overtime and KOBE had to bail that selfish ogre out.
COMMON FAN: Please kid, KOBE hasn't even won an MVP yet. He has lead the league in scoring only 1 time and this is his specialty. KOBE is a great player, but he has a long way to go before ranking amongst the all-time greats and nearing anything close to Jordan status.
KOBE RIDER: Did Jordumb ever score 81 points? 63 in 3 quarters? Owned.
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