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Threading the needle

Putting a nail on the floor and falling on it so you end up sounding yourself

I was at a party and I had to play threading the needle

by Coolman8760 February 18, 2020


A serious of ckts.

In journalism, you can put together many ckts to make a Journalistic-Thread

by Joy Rain July 31, 2023

Yarneary Thread

A type of yarn thread just to piss you off.

I'm going to use some of that yarneary thread for making pockets.

by Unlucky_Possum September 28, 2023

Threading the peedle

When one person is sitting down on the toilet to relieve themselves and a secondary person urinates in a fashion that the stream goes between the sitting person's legs and into the toilet bowl.

Ever since me and Steve failed at threading the peedle our friendship hasn't been the same.

by Peedlethread November 18, 2021

thread being

anyone who posts to a thread; especially perpetually

"I want to thank all of you fellow thread beings for posting in this thread."

by LivingDog June 27, 2007

Thread Killer

A “thread killer” is a member of a group text who sends a comment so wheels off that the other members cease conversation.

Rage replied to a text thread with:

“My b-hole is hairy...I don't shave it, so when explosive shit comes at 120 mph, it's like a Brazilian wax

Rage is a thread killer

by Ffbking February 3, 2022