Super Crooks is a superhero anime streaming television series based on the comic book series of the same name by writer Mark Millar and artist Leinil Francis Yu. The series was written by Dai Satō from Millar's story, and it was directed by Motonobu Hori in his solo directorial debut. The 13-episode series premiered on Netflix worldwide on November 25, 2021. It serves as a spin-off to Jupiter's Legacy. In June 2021, a live-action Super Crooks series and second spin-off from the simultaneously-cancelled Jupiter's Legacy was announced to be in active development.2
Guy 1 : have you seen Super Crooks
Guy 2 : No, I actually haven't
Guy 1 : you should totally it's an amazing anime that subverts your expectation with the first & second episode & it feels grounded and doesn't hold your hand and they act like adults
A white boy with really sexy tits, legs and ass.
Girl: ooo like at that thick ass, legs and tits
Boy: holy shit he must be a josh crook damn
Unclean and process clean paper that's dirty which comes currency in paper form is government and banknotes broken down from metal currency.
Whats good with tha collards greens oh bro i got a pocket full of crooked money
A man named Riley that like to kidnap Italians
A dumb guy name crooked tootsie roll that has no life
Friend 1 “this guys the funniest goon in the crooks”
Friend 2 “what the hell is the crooks?”
Friend 1 “exactly.”
he is a cool guy but really annoying and ugly
he's so cool. His name is Henry Crook
Someone who thinks they win at Touch
Footy games when in actual fact they lose every time
Most likely has a brother who he rats out to a group chat of gals
Nosey rosey
Alter-ego as an ugly, boring police officer named Gary
Jacob Crooks you sicken me