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VG Ankles

Being stupid,ugly,or downright retarded

Dude:Ur acting like VG ankles
Dude 2: But I'm not stupid

by Spinmaster November 25, 2019

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Scooter Ankle

Almost like killing your self/sliting your wrist but 100000000x WORST. It feels someone is using a GODDAMN KNIFE TO CUT YOUR FUCKING LEG OFF BUT THEY CONTINUALSY FAIL OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Chris: AHHHHHHHHHH... we have so much homework
Chris: *white girl voice* OMG soooooo relatable

by XXXIMDEAD October 15, 2020

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Sandy ankle

Sprained ankle caused by spending too much time at the beach walking in the sand.

After a long weekend in sag harbor and spending too much time walking on beaches, John developed a bad case of sandy ankle.

by NycPas July 5, 2019

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Dem Ankles

An expression used by men when a woman wearing a very long skirt walks past. It can be used to refer to women wearing a burqa or the uniform of a catholic school.

Occasionally used in an ironic way, to draw attention to how covered up the woman is.

*Girl walks past with her skirt almost touching her shoes*

Guys watching: "Dem Ankles..."

by NotThatHunter January 10, 2013

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ankle weights

a person who wears ankle weights.

a person with no common sense.

look at that guy wearin ankle weeiiigghhhts!!

that guy has no common sense, what an ankle weights

by d. shiznit March 18, 2010

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Ankle Banger

In skateboarding; getting your ankle banged by your board.

In general sports; the ankle being hit or bruised by impact or collision.

The act of having your ankle injured by banging it against something.

1. I got an ankle banger yesterday while I was skating.
2. He got an ankle banger at the game.

by Vengance007 October 2, 2011

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Ankle Biting

A sexual act performed by two midgets. They get into a 69 position, but then bite each others ankles.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates love to watch ankle biting porn on pay per view

by Fred Murtz Jr. April 9, 2010

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