homer simpson after killing his son
Grant disguised as marge: homie wheres bort
HOMER: Mer Der
lisa: ima SAxOphOne
Bort: consume pantaloons.
''Der Schimmelreiter'' is the worst book ever
Someone: Meshach did you read ''Der Schimmelreiter?''
Meshach: I tried to, but it was boring af
The most epic boy ever who is cracked at apex and fortnite
When maf is here. its an sentence you use when maf is here.
Vilganius kläggus- JÄGLAAAR tja daf
Egon cpus: DEeee Mafen deeer
Mafen der
Swedish word simply referencing to "mauff" used in sweden
Mafen is a fat indian kid who loves to swim with the class in navet. Maf in love with maryamo and meja
Lunne: Deee Mafen der
Berra: Jäglaar Maf
something u say when u see a really fucked up pin on pinterest or really anything that looks fucked up
(german: me during the maths class test)
*really fucked up picture*
Me: ich in der Mathearbeit
The douche of all douches. He is The Supreme Douche. All other douches, even The King of All Douches, are subservient to him, for his douchiness is beyond all others.
Dude! Look at Dick! He's being such a douche he can only be The Supreme Douche. No one could be more douchy than Dick. He's clearly der douche meister.