Source Code

Oh Fudge

An expression used to mean Oh my goodness

Jane: I fell and bumped my head this morning

Ukrysta: Oh Fudge!!! Do you need to go to the doctor?

my goodness


by Key -A- Sha May 15, 2014

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Fudge Package

The sexual organs of someone who is of homosexual orientation

Ben came over last night. I totally showed him my fudge package

by Tits McPee November 2, 2010

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marble fudge

marble fudge is the outcome of one's being rammed in the ass and then shitting out the cum/shit in a marble-like swirled pattern.

"Sarah, you are good for nothing! You're about as useful as a bum's marble fudge!!"

(Sarah cries)

by christian owens October 9, 2008

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fudge packer

1. One of the many varying jobs of a usually underworked and underpaid Oompa Loompa. Fudgepacking is considered a very tedious job for a Oompa Loompa, involving them scurrying back and forth to pack the delicious Wonka Fudge into cardboard boxes.

Oompa Loompa 1: Goddammit, I've been assigned Fudgepacker today.
Oompa Loompa 2: When that nigga Wonka paying us anyways?
Oompa Loompa 1: He gives us cacao beans as payments remember?
Oompa Loompa 2: Well then fuck dat nigga!

by Droppin Knowledge August 21, 2005

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The act of giving someone a fudgie, the wiping of a shit stained finger on the area of the face just above the upper lip.

Mikey Edwards is an expert in the art of fudging. He fudged old man Paul and then he fudged Jeff Rita after Jeff said he wanted to fuck Mikeys mother.

by CARLJAR500 November 11, 2014

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Fudge Butler

The act of placing your anal deposits on a silver tray and serving it to your partner (normaly while still warm).

That skat bitch loved it when i performed my hot, fresh, fudge butler.

by MarcusB August 9, 2005

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Fudge nuggets

Slang for "fuck" or "shit"

Oh fudge nuggets, I forgot to bring pencil crayons.

NUGGETS! I stubbed my toe.

by KendyKilljoy August 19, 2014

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