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abbreviated hacker language

Hacker Language helps re-enforce the barrier between computer hackers and normals, and it also helps distinguish crackers from hackers. First of all, are things normals wont understand, such as TCP, IP, winsock, Linux, root access, vi, etc due to being simpletons and not bothering learning how to do more than open M$ word and type. Secondly, SOME computer hackers have decided to modify the english language and its structure. Ways in which this occurs can be seen when a hacker goes to replace ‘f’ with ‘ph’, and ‘s’ with ‘z’. Also hackers use numbers in place of letters such as '0' for 'O', ‘1’ for ‘i’ or ‘l’ (though replacing ‘i’ is not the proper usage), ‘3’ for ‘E,’ ‘4’ for ‘A’, '5' for 'S', ‘7’ for ‘t’, and even '9' for 'G'. Other popular effects include cAPiTaliZaTinG, abbrv.'in, jargon, emphasizing words by putting ‘k-‘ before them ("k-rad"), and finishing a statement with a series of characters for emphasis.


if you ever see sK00l or anything like dA or any of those ghetto abbreviations, thats not real hacker language. Hackers hate using stuff thats not theirs, especially when its crap made up by losers in high school. GG.

Since the person defining abbreviated hacker language confused himself with 13 year old AOL speak circa 2004. I think even those 13 year olds realize they were stupid and have stopped.

k-pH33r 73H R34p3R 45 1 941n r00T on 7Ub9IRl!! %/\/\/\%

by Faceless. October 25, 2006

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Son of a Bitch Hacker

A saying used when playing multiplayer in Call of Duty. It is usually said after you get killed by someone who is better than you. Usually used as an excuse for sucking........

You son of a bitch hacker

by MW2 Freak February 4, 2011

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abbreviated hacker language

abbreviated hacker language or AHL is not a number bassed language or one in which letters are replaced with things like 'ph' for 'f'.
AHL is actually a language that programmers use(Dictionary definition of hacker is "one who is talented with computers(eg programmer)" or "Someone who uses computers for illegal activities") and is used when talking about a script, bugs in a script, used most commonly in basic and java.
'On *:TEXT:*<text>:#:{' is replaced with 'on *:txt:#:'
' Set %var <variable>" is replaced by '%var <variable>'
Used only in chat text when you are to lazy to write it out or find and coppy and paste the file.
When there is an unknown varriable (Eg a password ect) it is placed in tags and underlined. EG
Person1: "how do I identify my nickname in IRC"
Person2: "./ns identify <password>"
Person1 then types in '/ns identify thisisapassword"
Abriviations are used alot, eg:
LOL: Laugh out loud (used in chat rooms ect)
GTFO: Get the F*ck out (used when someone in a chat room is being anoying)
KB: Kick Ban (Used with GTFO eg: Noob: "lulz u r all t3h gheyzorz" Hacker/programer: "GTFO moron, Oi mod, Kb that tard"
SOC?: Shell of Choice?
SKOC?: Skin of Choice?
It is belived hackers/programers use leet because of jokes that are often made. eg:
Person1: "Hey man, how's it going"
Person2: "I feel like a million bucks put in the dryer and set on spin"
Person1: "Gheyzorz"
Person2: "lol"

Person1: "Hey man, how's it going"
Person2: "Meh"
Person1: "I started a dA"
Person2: "SKOC?"
Person1: "Defult atm"
Person2: "Gheyz0rs"
Person1: "Yeah, lol. How do I use DOSBox?"
Person2: "Uhh, Line1: Mount <drive> <directory(inc drive)> Line2: <drive> Line3: CD <Game folder> Line4: <Game>.<file type>"
Person1: "Thanks, g2g bai"
Person2: "Bai lol"

^^Thats abbreviated hacker language^^

by Pixel-Pirate November 13, 2007

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wipe-out hacker

A hacker who enjoys wiping out computers after stealing information.

A wipe-out hacker is a piece of human garbage!

by Word Madman March 22, 2019

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White hat hacker

Helps the government and hacks for the good. Takes and contours Black hat hackers. Very smart and talented and a good peer

Hey, im a White hat hacker. What's that? ^^^^

by UrbanArmour August 2, 2018

Minecraft Hacker Legit

You alsways see those mf's in your bedwars lobby's/matches. They are shit and annoying.
Like fr who even uses hacks anymore.

Hacker: Stfu bozo
You: "gets clapped by hacker"

by LegitMinecraftPlayer April 8, 2021

Red Hat Hacker

I Vigalante hacker, Best represented by Aiden Pearce From Watch_Dogs

"So your a Red Hat Hacker like Aiden Pearce

by Hackeeeer August 31, 2021