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Mike pence
Simply, a fear of homosexuals.

(Also known as a massive twat.)

Bro 1: ‘Trump is a homophobe’
Bro2: ‘Have you heard of Mike Pence BrO?’

by 0160manneh January 2, 2020

2👍 5👎


someone whos actually gay but is in denial

“I always wanted to suck Bryan’s cock but I just found out he’s a homophobe”
“Damn, Bryan missed out”

by fictional friend named grishna January 23, 2021

3👍 5👎


A person that has an irrational fear and/or hatred towards homosexual people.

A person that is an idiot and insecure with their sexuality.

A self hating closeted homosexual.

I hate those faggots and dykes;i'm a homophobe.

by Handsomeguy January 18, 2011

11👍 130👎


bastard or retarded shitface

"dude, this guy i found is a homophobe, he said: 'gays are bad'."

by Donotuseyourrealnam3 July 2, 2021

3👍 6👎


synonym for insecure bitch

usually males with fragile masculinity and micro-dicks

Jae: “Did you hear what Jack said about gays?”
Connor: “Yeah Jack’s a homophobe. I’ve seen his schlong in person too…so I know.”

by Smeldis Dick April 15, 2021

2👍 6👎


A closeted gay who is ashamed of his/her sexual preference. Usually due to a strict religious upbringing. So they make the openly gay feel subhuman to draw attention away from themselves.

At least they have the balls to be true to themselves you homophobe.

by Fluersdelis February 23, 2010

11👍 137👎

Homophobic phobic

Someone who hates homophobic people is a homophobic phobic person and is a bigot.

Sean: I hate faggots
Kyle: You are homophobic and a bigot slayyyyyy

Sean: Stop being homophobic phobic and accept everyone for who they are you bigot , you are a horrible person and I am offended.

by nacho_enjoyer April 3, 2023

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