some latino boy who loves a cloud and very wholesome
hey thats pretty epic vault nutters
When you and another man have had sex with the same women.
Man 1: Ya I totally hit that last night. Man 2: Dude, I just creamed in her last Saturday, we are Nutter Brudders.
Rel (Religious) + Nutter (Nutjob)= Rel Nutter
A person who really, really insist on his or her religion as the only way to salvation.
*Looks at the girl preaching on the bus. Gurl! Don't mind her, she is going Rel Nutter.
*The man with whom I spoke to, is a Rel Nutter.
When you nut on a girl while also slapping her with a stick to give her a scar on her forehead to give her the harry nutter appearance
Aaron: hey Harry, did you give that girl the harry nutter
Harry: yeah, she had to go to the hospital
adjective used to describe any person or situation one justifies as being particularly crazy or nutso.
A feeling usually identified by the notion that your brain is rapidly expanding, usually experienced by MDMA and LSD users.
This situation is totally Nutter-Buggin'
This is a sexy specimen and should be worshiped by all. He is often found in his natural habitat of greggs and eating his native food of steak bakes.
Oh look, it is the sexy josh nutter eating a steak bake in greggs.
One who cums in/ on a waffle iron
Tims a freaking waffle nutter??!!