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The Hipster Paradox

Since all hipsters are wanna-bes by their very definition, through reviving dead fads and believing in things too obscure to be known outside of hipsterdom, they are not anything at all, and therefore, cannot exist.

I totally thought John was a real person until I found out he was hipster. Dude, he doesn't even have a reflection, I'm pretty sure. The hipster paradox rings true once more.

by His Rexcellence December 13, 2011

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paradoxical universe

The ontological principle, An acknowledgement of the fact that anything can exist can never truly make sense and be understood(it is illogical), and that nothing is an impossibility for the understanding too("nothing" is incomprehensible).
A justification for anything nonsensical or illogical.

When something or someone or an idea is totally illogical you can justify it or accept it with the words, "It's a paradoxical-universe!" or "we are living in a paradoxical universe"

by Paradoxical Universe May 30, 2011

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Love paradox

When you like a guy/girl who likes another guy/girl who likes you. Everyone likes someone and everyone is liked. It's a complicated and rare phenomenon.

Lisa: I like you!
Brandon: but I like Jenny

Jenny: Brandon I don't like you, I like Lisa
Lisa: I like Brandon not Jenny

Brandon: sorry Lisa I don't like you I like Jenny
Jenny: UGH this is a love paradox

by Rocks247 October 23, 2017

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The Recommendation Paradox

We live in a time where options for the consumption of entertainment media is extremely saturated. We have never had more choice.

So much so, that the general person typically requires a significantly high level of encouragement from a variety of sources to reach the threshold of β€œgiving in” to a recommendation by consuming the piece of media in question.

The problem is, the threshold is so high, that by the time one β€œgives in” they are often disappointed, as often no piece of media is able to meet the exaggerated levels of hype required to push the person to consume it in the first place.

Thus, the human race is effectively broken in our capacity to effectively deliver recommendations as there only exists two states. Underselling, and overselling.

β€œJono has been telling me to play Hades like everyday for the past 6 months, I finally gave in and it wasn’t that good.”

β€œWell I guess that’s just the recommendation paradox for ya!”

by Maait96 March 1, 2021

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The Broadway Paradox

This is some kind of advanced mathmatics us mear mortals can not comprehend. When the estimator bids the job wrong, takes half of your workers, moves up the compition date and wants twice the amount of work finished on time.

This is some kind of advanced mathmatics us mear mortals can not comprehend. When the estimator bids the job wrong, takes half of your workers, moves up the compition date and wants twice the amount of work finished on time. The Broadway Paradox

by Lakeside4life September 27, 2018

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Language Paradox

1. You sound stupid if you pronounce something wrong.
2. You sound stupid if you pronounce something right.
3. You sound stupid if you try to pronounce it right.
4. You sound stupid if you try to avoid saying it at all.
5. The only way you don't sound stupid is by explaining the language paradox.

This is the language paradox.

Joe *White guy*: may no speak bwayno espanyol.

Jesse *Chinese guy*: toetaymo cacoi daysoo.

by Pikachu + Shugi November 2, 2009

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Matthew Paradox

this phenomenon is when you are straight but people constantly doubt your sexuality and affirmly believe that you are Gay

Person 1: Are you sure your straight you seem pretty Gay
Person 2: oh no i just suffer from the Matthew Paradox

by MattyboyoXDFAM June 10, 2022

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