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metric f-ton

Any quantity of an item that would seem like there is more than usual.

Wow, we have a metric f-ton of food to eat tonight.

by sjohnswj September 8, 2008

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


another word for hell yea

-yo solid u goin to buck tonight?
-comp-o-ton nigga

by solidtsw May 17, 2007

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

metric ass ton

Jesus dude, it's like exactally 137 cubic tons of matrial X.

I have a metric ass ton of crabs...and it also burns when I pee

by Fred Gestopolis March 8, 2005

4πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

ton pΓ©nis est petit

French for β€œYour Penis Is Small”

French: ton pΓ©nis est petit! J'ai besoin d'un microscope pour le voir!
English: Your penis is small! I need a micrscope in order to see it!

by Minecraft1238 March 23, 2019

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clapped out half ton

An old piece of shit truck, AKA brennen O'connor's truck

Hick #1 -Man look at that clapped out half ton in the school parking lot.
Hick #2 -OH ! you mean O'connor's Truck

by Hick #2 January 19, 2018

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

qu'est que ton bebe

What is your baby? - in french
Said when a CUTE baby is in a near vacinity.
Isn't said to the person with the baby, it is said in general.

*person with a cute baby walks by*

Sally: awwww qu'est que ton bebe!

by corefour February 28, 2009

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metric fuck-ton

A measure of digitized data approximately 10 gigabytes in size

Sir Dansbury Wimbledon purchased an electronic reader in so that he may peruse his collection of portable document files which totaled just over 1.2 metric fuck-tons

by Sir Dansbury Wimbledon December 24, 2011

2πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž