When a nasty girl thinks she's hot shit and wants several different guys but they are only using her for nudes and she gets all butt hurt when they leave her after she gives in
A person who often has a type of mental handicapp like adhd or autism. Often wants to seem cool among their local tard group.
That guy is such a wannabe nazi!
Just where a group of boys act road and they start acting ard. But little do they know no one is scared of them, because behind their back people chat the most stuff about them. But we don't tell them that. You'll mostly find these boys in either Year 8 or Year 9 mostly Year 8.
"Oi, that Jamie kid thinks he's well ard, he's just a wannabe roadman tho."
An individual who is remarkably bad at smoking weed. The mari-wannabe will often request to smoke repeatedly, and then say "I'm good" after a single hit. Mari-wannabes will sometimes pretend to have the munchies after smoking and eat large quantities of food in front of the television just for show. Mari-wannabes are widely believed to be incredibly unpleasant in the event they actually do get high, and often blurt gibberish or freak out uncontrollably, requiring that they then be babysat by their non-mari-wannabe acquaintances for a number of hours. Mari-wannabes typically do not take up smoking until about senior year of high school, after everyone else they know has, and often talk about smoking weed far more often than they actually partake in it. They generally end up getting arrested because they were driving 10 miles per hour in a 30 zone because they were afraid of accidentally speeding with their bowl in the car with them.
Jack: Hey man, let's smoke, should I invite Frank?
Ryan: Naw man, I realized last weekend, after he took one hit of regs and passed out on my couch for the next 24 hours that Frank's just a mari-wannabe.
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"friend" who tries to steal guys who aren't interested in her and make fun of her behind her back; desperate slut; ELISE
Eww look at that wannabe whore all over Brandon, Erik, Dan, and Ryan.
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A stupid person who thinks they are emo, a person who made their parents take them to footlocker so they could buy a pair of converse and only own one black t shirt that they wear everyday and deny that they've been wearing the same nightmare before Christmas shirt for two months. They have virtually no idea how to wear makeup and sneaks their mom's black eyeshadow or results to coloring on their eyes with a black pastel crayon, claiming that it is makeup. An emo wannabe is a total poser who is too afraid to actually cut themselves and usually just scratch themselves with a bent paperclip and try's to pass it off as "scars" when you don't even break the skin.
Emo: *talking to other emos* Guys, that slipknot concert Saturday was like, so awesome I almost screamed like a stupid conformist fan.
Emo wannabe walks over: I know, right?!
Emo: umm, what are you doing?
Emo Wannabe: Oh, just um, talking to my fellow emos!
Emo: your not emo, you poser
Emo Wannabe: yeah I am! Look at my scars (shows emos faint red marks on wrist) and my totally awesome Gir backpack I got from Hot Topic the other day, its like, way cool!
Emo: Stfu emo wannabe, get a life.
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chubby, depressed teenage girls who want to be skinny so bad, they wish to have anorexia. Sadly, these specimens aren't as rare as you would think. They usually spend all their time on trying to find the perfect formula for becoming "blessed" with " ana ". Somebody, give them a hug!!
I don't like seeing #wannabe anas on eating disorder forums.
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