De Robien is a fat pig that lives under peoples beds, he can only consume oreos. This creature is allergic to sunlight and can only play Apex Legends with Nilet the monkey
Your dad i Bertrand Alain Henry De Robien
A guy which is tall black and has a very huge dick whit a big juicy ass
Watch out it’s the gingerbreadman... David de lá Conquer
that means to say that taste like shit!!
CaeCae:hey man stop making food porque ese sabe de caca!
Maria: ew your stanky
jaun: punches maira
when a hispanic person is mad at you and compare you to you hot cheeto eating mother
higa de tu pinche madre por que isistes heco
a sexy beast; the bloodline of the biggest mafioso family in italy
Person 1: the de mariano is in town!
Person 2: hide all your belongings!!
Appearing on CBS News, Cruella de Puppykiller Kristi Noem once again tried to explain away how she murdered puppy Cricket in a gravel pit—then went on to suggest she'd probably shoot Commander, President Biden's dog. Referring to the dog as "it" just completed the picture of her violent pathology. Everyone should keep their furry children away from that psychopath.